Problems during the building process

I am trying to build a working release in order to compile my ChoiceScript game, but I simply cannot get it working.
I followed the readme:

qmake -r

The commands work, everything seems normal after them.

But when I try to run the klif.exe file, I get these errors:

  1. The procedure entry point ZNSt15__exception_ptr13exception_ptrC1EPv could not be located in the dynamic link library _D:\dev\brahman\app\release\klif.exe.
  2. The procedure entry point ZNSt6thread15_M_start_threadESt10uniqu1. e_ptrINS_6_StateESt14default_deleteIS1_EEPFvvE could not be located in the dynamic link library _D:\dev\brahman\app\release\ifigame.dll.

Is there an already compiled, working version which is ready to be used?


  • edited July 2020


    We did have an experimental CS interpreter. It was good for nearly all of CS, but there were a few things that didn't work quite the same way. If your game is simple, it should work. If not, it could be made to work without too much effort.

    Things that would have to be done:

    1. Get our CS terp working again on the command line.
    2. Publish our CS terp.
    3. Try your game out on the command line only and get it working.
    4. Update our CS terp for the latest GUI
      (should work in theory, but probably need a few minor changes).
    5. Update the build process to build CS as well along with instructions.

    If you'd like me to try your game (ie 3) to see if there's any chance of it working, i could do that?

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